How to Care for Phalaenopsis Orchid in Autumn

Phalaenopsis Orchid Care

Phalaenopsis orchids are beautiful and fun to grow. To have healthy and strong orchids in your home, you need to remember that indoor conditions often change with the seasons so you will need to adjust your care a bit to benefit your orchid.

This is why it's good to know how to care for your orchid in autumn, when the days are getting shorter and temperature drops.

Phalaenopsis orchids are actually among the easiest orchids to grow. They are even suitable for beginner gardening. If they are given the right conditions and with some monitoring, they will produce beautiful flowers that can last for several months. However, there are some things you need to do in order to make your orchids thrive.

Move it to a Sunny Place

As the days begin to shorten and temperature drops, don't forget that your orchid needs plenty of light. This is why it's advisable to move your Phalaenopsis orchid to a window that faces east or south. Alternatively, you may place it any room in your home that gets bright indirect sunlight. This is what is needed for your orchid to thrive.

Room Conditions

Make sure that the chosen room has a minimum humidity level of 70%. It's best to place the pot with the orchid on a tray with a layer of wet gravel in order to maintain humidity. After this, use a circulating fan you should set to the lowest setting to create gentle air movement in the room. Make sure not to put the orchid directly in front of the airflow.

The room temperature should be between 65 and 80 degrees F during the day and 60 to 70 degrees F at night.

How to Care for Your Orchid

It's best to use a pine bark mix for potting your Phalaenopsis orchids. This is a great potting medium and it can help your plant produce firm, thick and healthy roots. Orchids have fragile roots so it's important to be careful not to hurt or damage them during repotting.

You should water your orchids once per week. It's best to use ice cube method: water the orchid with three ice cubes.

You may use a fertilizer to promote the growth, but it's important to use it at low concentration. You should fertilize once per 4 months.

You should monitor your orchids. It's best to do it once per week, as you water it. Take a good look at it to detect potential pests. If you notice any, use an insecticide to get rid of them.

Photo credit: Audrey

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