Calathea Medallion Care Tips

Calathea Medallion Care

Calathea Medallion plant, also known as Calathea veitchiana, is a gorgeous houseplant known for its attractive foliage. It is known for its huge, medallion like leaves that are green on top and burgundy colored on the underside.

If you wish to grow Calathea Medallion in your home, you need to know how to provide it with everything she needs to thrive. Calathea Medallion care is not complex, but it does require some dedication, which is why this plant is not always ideal for beginners.

This is a tropical plant that typically grows from 6 to about 36 inches at height. It loves high humidity and low light environments, so there are many different places in your home where you can position it so it can thrive and be happy.

Calathea Medallion Care: Basic Requirements

Calathea Medallion care takes into account the plant's natural environment. This is a tropical plant that likes warmth and humidity, but that can survive in low light environment. In fact, in order to make it thrive, you should keep it away from strong, direct sunlight.

Also, this is a plant that doesn't tolerate droughts well, so you should have a proper watering regime that will keep the soil evenly moist between waterings.

Calathea Medallion is not toxic to humans and pets, so that should not cause any concerns. However, some pets might find the plant tasty, so you need to protect the plant from nibbling.

Calathea Medallion Care

Calathea Medallion care is not too complex, but you need to know some essential care requirements that you need to provide to your plant to make it thrive.


Calathea Medallion care requires that your plant receives appropriate amount of light. This plant will thrive in an area that has bright yet indirect light. Medium indirect light is also a good choice. This plant can tolerate low indirect light, but it will not make it thrive. However, make sure not to subject your plant to direct light.

If you notice that the leaf colors on your Calathea Medallion are fading, it is a sign that your plant receives too much strong sunlight. It is typically the case when the plant is subjected to direct sunlight. It can burn leaves quickly, so make sure to move your plant to a different spot if this happens.

Good places are your kitchen or a bathroom, because these rooms typically do not receive as much sunlight as the living room or other places in the home. Plus, bathroom or kitchen are ideal because of their humidity, which is something that Calathea Medallion requires to thrive.


Calathea Medallion care involves keeping the soil moist. This is essential for making your plant happy and healthy. Any watering regime has to be regular, so the soil doesn't get dry. However, this doesn't mean that the soil should be filled with water. Too much soggy water can lead to the root rot, which should be avoided.

Calathea Medallion is not a plant that tolerates drought, so you need to water it regularly. It is not a problem if you miss one watering from time to time, but you need to provide it with regular waterings to make it thrive.

If you notice that the leaves of your Calathea Medallion are curling, then the main culprit is typically dry soil. Limp leaves that are browning signal a serious lack of water. You should always have a consistent watering regime for this plant. Make sure to water your Calathea Medallion as soon as the top inch or two of the soil are dry.

Also, make sure to use proper water for your plant. Tap water is not the best choice because it contains numerous minerals, salts, chlorine and other elements that can hurt your Calathea Medallion. You should use filtered water or always leave tap water overnight before watering your plant.


Calathea Medallion care requires that you keep your plant at appropriate temperatures. This plant prefers a warm climate, so you need to keep it at 65 to 68 degrees F. Do not allow any drafts or sudden changes of temperature around your plant.


Keep in mind that Calathea Medallion strongly prefers high humidity. It is essential to provide this to your plant if you want it to thrive. Kitchen or a bathroom are the best places in a home where you can keep your Calathea Medallion, or you may wish to use a humidifier if you want to keep it in a room that otherwise has dry air.

You will know that your plant needs a more humid environment if you notice its leaves starting to brown and curl. You can mist your plant with lukewarm water to improve humidity. You may also use a pebble tray with water to improve moisture around your plant.


Calathea Medallion also benefits from some feeding. It is best to give them a dose of a general fertilizer that includes iron. Ideally, you should feed your plant every month during the growing season (between spring and summer). Lower the dose of the fertilizer in the fall and cut it completely during the winter.

If your Calathea Medallion starts to show signs of wilting, too much fertilizer can be a problem. Leggy plants are often those that are over-fertilized, because fertilizers can burn the roots of the plant. Make sure to lower the dose of the fertilizer that you give to your plant in case this happens.

Diseases and Pests

Calathea Medallion care includes paying attention to potential diseases and pests that might occur. It is important to observe your plant regularly so you can notice a problem as soon as it appears. Keep in mind that these plants are generally healthy, but make sure to clean the dust from their leaves occasionally. This will improve their strength.

When it comes to pests, Calathea Medallion plants often have issues with mealybugs, aphids and spider mites. The best way to prevent these pests is to mist or bathe your plant regularly. Using a hose is an effective way, but make sure not to overdo it. You can also spray your plants or use a humidifier.

Photo credit: PINKE


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