How to Grow Asparagus in a Raised Bed Garden

Growing Vegetables
Asparagus In Raised Beds

A raised bed garden is a great way to grow asparagus plants. Simply find a nice, secluded spot where you can make this tasty plant grow. Of course, it's important to keep an eye on your asparagus and to provide controlled growing environment for it.

A raised bed garden is a great way to grow asparagus because it allows this perennial plant to grow undisturbed each year.

Tips for Growing Asparagus

Here are some quick tips on how to grow asparagus in a raised bed garden:

  • For the best results, make sure to space plants about 18 inches apart. This is the minimum. The more is for the better.
  • This large space means that you need to have a raised bed big enough to accommodate all of the asparagus plants you wish to grow. Typically, a good bead is at least 12 inches tall. This size allows for the soil to accommodate the plants in the best possible way.
  • Ideal soil for asparagus is deep and nutrient-rich. It will make your asparagus thrive.
  • Once you have prepared your raised bed properly you can grow asparagus there for 10 to 20 years without a problem.
  • The soil in the raised bed should be turned. You may achieve this with a tiller or a simple garden fork. Make sure to till the soil to at least 12 inches.
  • For the best results, till compost into the soil. It will increase the nutrient content of the soil and make your asparagus thrive.
  • Make sure to dig furrows about 12 inches deep in the raised bed. Since most raised beds are no more than 4 feet across, digging two furrows that run the length of the bed may be a good option to achieve optimal results.
  • Before planting, mount loose dirt into cone-shaped piles. Make sure that the piles are about 4-6 inches tall. Place them at the bottom of the furrow. Make sure to leave at least 18 inches of space between each dirt mound.
  • To plant an asparagus, simply place its crown on top of the each dirt pile in the furrows. Keep in mind that you should position the roots in a precise way so they can dangle down over the dirt pile.
  • After you have placed asparagus add dirt to the furrows until you cover the crowns with about one inch of the soil.
  • To take care of your asparagus plants, water them enough to keep the surrounding soil moist. However, make sure not to drench the soil with water. Watering is important for asparagus plants because it prevents them to grow thin, tough stalks.
  • When the asparagus starts to grow, add more soil to the furrows. Also, make sure to keep covering the emerging spears gradually until the furrows are filled in to the soil level in the raised bed.
  • Spears should not be harvested in first two or three years after planting your asparagus. It means you should grow your plant without harvesting the spears. It will give the plant time to grow stronger, which results in a larger crop.
  • In the second or third year, start harvesting spears. Choose the ones that are at least 8 inches tall. To harvest, cut just below the soil line.
  • In the first year of harvesting you should harvest for about two weeks only. Starting the next year, harvest your asparagus plants for about four weeks.
  • As the plants die back each year at winter time, make sure to cut them to the ground.
  • If planted properly, asparagus will grow almost undisturbed. It means you won't have much work to do to make it grow strong, healthy and tasty.

Photo credit: Eljay

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