How to Propagate Deutzia Pulchra with Cuttings

Trees and Shrubs
Deutzia Pulchra Propagate

Deutzia Pulchra is a beautiful plant than many people wish to have in their gardens. It is a gorgeous shrub that can make a great addition to your home. It grows upright, and it is characteristic by its arching stems and dark green leaves. It has beautiful bell-shaped flowers that are white with a pink flush. This plant typically blossoms in late spring and early summer.

If you wish to have more of Deutzia Pulchra in your garden, you may choose to propagate. Luckily, it is not difficult to propagate Deutzia Pulchra, but you need to follow a few simple steps. This plant is easily propagated through cuttings, and the process is generally easy to perform. It also gives good results, as long as you know how to choose the right cuttings and prepare them properly. You also need to have some patience, because it takes time for cuttings to grow strong to be planted in your garden.

How to Propagate Deutzia Pulchra: Preparing the Cuttings

If you wish to propagate Deutzia Pulchra without much hassle, keep in mind that this is best done through cuttings. You will maximize your chances of success if you always prepare cuttings from semi-hardened springs. This is by far the simplest and easiest way to propagate your Deutzia plant.

In order to do this with ease and success, make sure to prepare the cuttings during late summer. These are best taken from soft-wood growth. This is wood that had not hardened yet. You will recognize it by the fact that it still has not grown brown bark. Such growth will be in the process of hardening, so taking cuttings will not be much of a problem.

It is not difficult to prepare cuttings: most plants take this method easily and can fully tolerate it. Keep in mind that there are two main approaches to use: preparing your cuttings with soil and in the water. If you wish to propagate Deutzia Pulchra, it is best to use cutting preparation with soil.

The first thing is to choose a healthy and strong plant that is free from pests and diseases. This is crucial, because a weak or diseased plant is not ideal for cuttings and the cuttings from such a plant might not take.

Once you have selected appropriate parts of the plant for your cuttings, it is time to actually collect the cuttings themselves. This is a pretty straightforward process, but you need to be gentle and swift.

It is best to get Deutzia Pulchra stems that are around 6 inches in length. Before you cut, make sure to use only sterile scissors or a knife, to prevent any risk of infections to the plant. Make sure to cut a healthy part of the new growth that is about 6 inches in length. These will be your cuttings.

How to Propagate Deutzia Pulchra Easily

Once you have the cuttings, make sure to remove the lower leaves from the stem. It is important to only leave the topmost one or perhaps two pairs of the leaves. These are ready to be planted so they can grow into new plants.

After you have your cutting, you may dip the base in a rooting powder. This will encourage the root growth. However, this is not necessary for the success. It is possible to propagate Deutzia Pulchra without that.

In order to increase the chances of success, it is important to choose the right potting medium for your cuttings. Make sure to carefully plant the cuttings in a soil mix made for new cuttings or in a blend of peat and sand. Always make sure to keep the soil a bit moist. You will ensure this by placing a clear plastic on top of the cuttings. You can also use a garden cloche for this purpose.

Also, make sure to protect the cuttings before the winter. This can be done in many different ways, for example, with a greenhouse, a tunnel or anything else that can keep your plants at the temperature above 40 degrees F (5 degrees Celsius).

Transplanting Your Cuttings

In the spring, you will transplant your cuttings. Make sure to wait until any risk of the frost has passed. It is best to do this around mid-May. This is when you should transplant your cuttings in nursery pots that are one size larger than the ones used beforehand.

You should wait until the following fall to plant your Deutzia Pulchra cuttings in the ground of your garden. This is when they will be strong enough to survive on its own.

Photo credit: peganum

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