Michigan Planting Zones

Gardening Tips
Usda Michigan Top

Michigan state has numerous USDA planting zones. Generally speaking, the zones on the map are divided into 10-degree F segments (12 Celsius). The divide is done based on the average winter temperatures over a 30-year period. It is crucial to know your specific Michigan USDA hardiness zone so you know what kind of plants you can grow in your garden.

Keep in mind that Michigan planting zone is complex, so you need to identify your specific local area and match it by color to a specific hardiness zone. Remember that Michigan includes both cooler zones, such as 4a, 4b, 5a and 5b hardiness zones. On the other hand, it also includes certain warmer parts that belong to the zones 6a and 6b.

USDA Michigan planting zones

Knowing the exact hardiness zones for your garden is important because this is the only way to choose plants you can grow successfully. Flowers, vegetables, fruits, trees and other plants will thrive only in specific hardiness zones, so you need to make sure that they can grow in your garden.

Once you know your specific Michigan hardiness zone, it is not difficult to find plants that will thrive in your area. This information can be easily found in nurseries and as part of basic info about a plant. Keep in mind that you can grow any plant in your zone or a bit warmer inside of your garden. However, if you want to grow a plant that is in a hardiness zone that is colder than yours, you will need to provide extra protection to your plants or bring them inside during the winter.


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