10 Medicinal Plants to Grow in Your Home

Herbs & Spices
Medicinal Plants

Herbs are widely used all over the world. They are among the most popular medicinal plants and they are known for their numerous healing properties.

Herbs are not just a tasty addition to your meals: they can be used for many different things. They are very effective in curing and preventing infections, curing Candida, bacterial and viral conditions, as well as healing sore throats, nausea and digestive system. Herbs can promote digestion, be used as a disinfectants, reduce headaches and ease hiccups. There are so many uses of herbs you can try.

Here are some ideas on how to use the most popular herbs you probably have in your home:

Oregano. This herb is not just a tasty addition to your pizza. It's very rich in anti-oxidant phytochemical flavonoids as well as phenolic acids. Oregano oil has a long use as a disinfectant, and it may also be used as an aid for ear, nose, throat and respiratory infections. It also cures Candida and a wide range of bacterial and viral conditions.

Rosemary is a herb with a cancer-protective potential. If you fry, broil or grill food at high temperatures, it will create HCAs (heterocyclic amines), which are potent carcinogens. Use rosemary to control and destroy HCAs. Rosemary contains carnosol and rosemarinic acid, which are two powerful anti-oxidants that can destroy HCAs.

Mint is a great remedy for nausea and vomiting. It promoted digestion, calms stomach muscle spasms, ease hiccups and relieves flatulence. This plant contains menthol, the aromatic oil, and it can be used to relax the airways and fight bacteria and viruses. Menthol also interferes with the sensation from pain receptors, so it may be used to reduce headache pain.

Parsley is a diuretic herb, which can prevent problems such as bladder infections and kidney stones. It will keep your body's plumbing running smoothly. It makes the body produce more urine so it will make you get rid the excess water from your system.

Basil is a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial plant. It's also a great source of magnesium and other anti-oxidants. It's used to treat constipation, indigestion, hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) and diabetes.

Ginger is a great plant for treating upset stomachs. It's also recommended for pregnant women to prevent morning sickness. Ginger is also great when it comes to treating gas and bloating. It also helps treating sore throats and colds. This plant has anti-inflammatory properties and it aids in digestion.

Dill may help neutralize carcinogens, because it contains special oils as well as calcium and iron. It also offers numerous healing properties which are great for the digestive system. This herb has been used since ancient times to treat heartburn and diarrhea.

Cayenne is a great pain reliever you can use. It is even an ingredient in many over-the-counter pain relieving creams. This plant is also very effective in healing sore throats and it can also stimulate sweating to relieve the symptoms of cold.

Cilantro has the carboxylic acid, which binds to heavy metals in the blood (such as mercury) and it carries them out of the body. This is important because the removal of these heavy metals reverses the toxin buildup that can cause chronic fatigue, depression and joint pain.

Curry Powder can be used for pain relief. It may also help preventing colon cancer and Alzheimer's Disease.

Photo credit: Megan

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