How to Grow Clerodendrum Plants

Plants & Flowers
Clerodendrum Plant Care

Clerodendrum is a beautiful group of plants that are gaining more and more popularity in the past several years. These are particularly popular in the spring markets so you might wish to grow them.

Keep in mind that these plants are also known as Clerodendron so you will find information about both of these. If you seek info about these plants make sure to search under both names to find all the relevant articles and materials that are of interest to you.

One great thing about Clerodendrum plants is that they can add so much color to your garden. Spring markets often prioritize plants based on gorgeous foliage and colors they can provide. Most of the time, this refers to various bushes and hibiscus trees that can add color to your garden but there are many other plants you can choose. Some good choices include Clerodendrum plants, as well as Mendevillas, Bougainvillea plant, Stephanotis, Allamanda cathartica, and more. Out of these, Clerodendrum is a relatively new group of garden plants so people are only starting to discover its beauty.

The Most Popular Varieties

One important thing you need to remember about Clerodendrum is that these are relatively new plants. Of course, they are not really "new" but they are only starting to appear in gardens. It means that people's interest in these plants is new.

This means that there are still not many well-known varieties you can grow in your garden. There is one dominant variety that almost all people use so chances are that if you want to grow Clerodendrum you will grow this exact variety.

This popular variety is Clerodendrum thomsoniae. This plant is best known under variety name "Bleeding Heart Vine". If you find plants labeled as Bleeding Heart Vine, know that these are Clerodendrum plants that you can grow in your garden.

It is also important to remember that many of the newly introduced varieties have been unknown until various gardeners started producing the Bleeding Heart Vine commercially.

Clerodendrum plants come in several different forms. Some are vining types and bushes while others have a form of small trees. There are even some forms of Clerodendrum that can go either way.

Keep in mind that most varieties of Clerodendrum are considered tropical, except for the "Bungei" pink. This is a Clerodendrum variety that can survive in the gardens from the South to the northern areas.

All Clerodendrum varieties are great bloomers and will provide flowers all year long. The only exception is Thomsoniae variety that blooms through fall-spring time.

Depending on the variety, Clerodendrum plants can have a very different flower and leap shape. Many have the most familiar urn shape of flower but this is far from the only possibility. For example, there are variants of Clerodendrum plants that have tight clusters of small flowers and small, slender leaves. There are also varieties with large, round leaves.

Clerodendrum Plant Care

The relative "newness" of Clerodendrum as a gardening plant means that there is not so much information available for these plants. It also means that gardeners who wish to grow these plants should be careful and try different methods to care for their plants. There is not set protocol about how to care for these beautiful plants - we are still discovering what they like best and what makes them thrive. In this sense. Clerodendrum plants are ideal for those who like to experiment and who want to try different things until they find a perfect way to make their plants thrive.

Luckily, there are many things that we do know about Clerodendrum care. In this sense, these plants are not reserved only those who wish to experiment. Even regular gardeners can make their Clerodendrum plants grow strong.

These plants are not really demanding when it comes to the type of the soil. However, they prefer a rich, well-drained soil that can hold some water. Keep this in mind when choosing the soil for planting your Clerodendrum plants.

Another thing that you need to provide on regular basis is fertilizer. All varieties of Clerodendrum prefer even, well-balanced fertilizer. These plants are vigorous growers so they need some plant food to thrive.

When it comes to sun, it is important to remember that these plants prefer a lot of light and sun. However, it is also possible to grow them in some shade. In fact, some of the large leaf bush types of Clerodendrum plants actually prefer woodland areas. These areas provide plenty of shade from high trees so keep this in mind if you want to grow a leaf bush variety of Clerodendrum.

Most Clerodendrum varieties need specific temperatures to grow properly. They need temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees to thrive. The one exception is the hardy variety Bungei.This one can grow in more temperature zones than the other Clerodendrum plants.

It is also important to water your plant regularly. Some Clerodendrum varieties have more drought tolerance than the others. However, for the best performance and to promote flowering, it is important to water your Clerodendrum regularly.

All Clerodendrum varieties are vigorous growers. You need to prune them regularly or else they will lose their shape.

Growing Clerodendrum Plants in Containers

While many people choose to grow their Clerodendrum plants in ground, this is not the only option. It is also possible to grow your Clerodendrum plants in pots. It is best to use 1 to 3 gallon pot. Varieties such as Java Red, Ugandense and Thomsoniae are best kept in 6 inch or 1 gallon pots.

Some larger varieties, such as Mary Jane, Bungei and Fragrants require bigger pots. These varieties are best kept in containers that are bigger than 3 gallons. These plants are vigorous growers and will quickly outgrow a 3 gallon pot unless you keep them pruned.

Some people also choose to grow their Clerodendrum plants as patio or landscape plants. For this purpose, it is best to use 1 to 2 gallon pots. If you have small to large containers, it is best to use a trellis for your plant.

Some varieties, such as Shooting Star and Ugandense Blue make great standard trees.

You can keep your Clerodendrum plants in pots outdoors but some people choose to grow their plaints indoors. The best variety to grow inside as a houseplant is Bleeding Heart Vine.

This is also a good way to grow Clerodendrum plants but keep in mind that plants that are grown indoors do not flower as much as those that are kept outside. It may even happen that your Clerodendrum won't flower indoors.

Keep in mind that Clerodendrum plants need to be pruned to maintain their shape. This is particularly important for those that are kept in containers so they don't outgrow their pot.

Photo credit: Ting Chen

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