How to Grow Ginger Indoors

Indoor Gardening
How To Grow Ginger Indoors

Ginger is an amazing spice that can be added to numerous meals. Many households use ginger in the kitchen regularly, so it's not surprising that you might want to grow ginger indoors by yourself. The good news is that even though ginger is a tropical plant, it can be grown indoors throughout the year all around the world.

Yes, it means that you can grow ginger successfully even if you live in a colder climate. Most gingers can do well indoors, as long as you provide them with basic care that they require. For example, warm and humid area is a must, as well as filtered sunlight. Another thing to give your ginger is some rich and moist soil. Luckily, these conditions are not difficult to replicate inside of most homes, so you can grow ginger indoors without much trouble.

How To Plant Ginger In Containers

The first thing you need are some ginger roots. It is not difficult to find ginger roots to plant. You can try nurseries and garden centers, as well as specialized places selling seeds. You may also grow ginger from a grocery store, but make sure that it is organic.

It is best to get some firm roots that are juicy and plump, so you know that they are healthy. The roots should be at least a few inches long and a few inches wide. Also, make sure that the roots have multiple budding eyes. Those are little nodes sticking out from the ginger root.

When you collect all the needed materials, you can start planting your ginger. The first step is to soak the roots overnight in warm water. The next day, cut each of the roots into sections, making sure that there is at least one budding eye on each section. The exact size will depend on the number of eyes that are on the root, but as long as there is at least one, you should not worry.

Take your container and fill it most of the way up with the potting mix. Place the cut root sections on top of the soil, about 5 inches apart. When placing them on the ground, make sure that the buds are pointing upwards. Cover the roots lightly with about 2 inches of potting mix. Water until the soil is moist to the touch but not really wet.

Once the ginger ins planted, move the container in a warm area that will receive at least 5 hours of filtered, indirect sunlight per day. Keep in mind that in nature, ginger grows in humid and rainy conditions, partially shaded by other plants, so it doesn't need much bright, direct sun to thrive.

From here, you should wait for your ginger to grow. Keep in mind that this may be a slow process. Many times, it can take from 3 to 8 weeks for ginger shoots to appear. Just be patient and make sure to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged during this period.

To speed up this process, you may create a mini greenhouse to provide your ginger with a humid environment. A seed starting tray with a plastic dome is good for this purpose, but you may also use a plastic takeout container with a clear lid. Make sure to punch a few holes on the top for oxygen and on the bottom for drainage. Fill the container with a few inches of potting soil and insert your ginger root cuttings. Add about half of an inch of soil on top of them. Water well and keep it warm and moist until you see the green shoots. Once you see your ginger shoots growing, you can transplant your ginger into a larger container.

Ginger Plant Care Indoors

The most important thing you need to remember if you wish to grow ginger indoors is that you need to mimic the natural conditions. You have to keep your ginger in a warm and humid environment, and to provide it with enough nutrients.

One of the key things is to choose a good container. A wide, large pot with proper drainage holes is an excellent choice, because ginger needs a lot of space for its roots. Ideally, your chosen pot or a container should be at least 12 inches wide. Also, don't forget to include a tray or a saucer beneath the container. You should place a few small pebbles or stones in the tray to encourage drainage and humidity around your ginger plant.

Ideally, temperatures should be around 75 degrees F. You should find a spot in your home that is away from any draft, where your plant can get some indirect sunlight. A south-facing window that is well-insulated is a good choice.

Water to make the soil moist but not waterlogged. It has to be damp to the touch but not wet, and it has to drain properly. You should water your ginger by simply misting the soil's surface with a spray bottle when it begins to feel dry to the touch.

Top your ginger plant with fresh compost as it grows. This will provide your ginger plant with enough nutrients to grow taller and to develop strong foliage. You can also feed your ginger plant with a balanced, all-purpose liquid fertilizer once per month. Make sure that any fertilizer you choose is organic.

In the summer, you can put your ginger plant outdoors so it can get some fresh air and sunshine. However, make sure to do this only when the daytime temperatures are at least 70 degrees F and nighttime temperatures don't go below 50 degrees F.

If you care for your ginger plant properly it should grow to the height of 2 to 3 feet, and it should have gorgeous foliage and possibly a few flowers.

Harvesting Ginger Root

A ginger rhizome is fully ready for harvesting around eight months after planting. However, smaller pieces of young roots can be harvested as early as four months after you notice your new ginger growing.

You can easily harvest those small pieces by removing the soil around the outer edges of the container. Feel around to find a rhizome and cut what you need from the outer edge with a sharp knife. Make sure to leave at least a few inches of rhizome connected to the stalk to keep it alive and growing.

You can also harvest the entire root in the fall or winter, when the foliage starts to die down. You can do this over and over again, as long as you cut and save a few pieces of rhizome to replant.

Photo credit: lauren

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