If you like Jasmine plants, you might wish to propagate them. This is the best way to get more of these plants for your home, or you may offer them as gifts for your friends and family. A great advantage of propagating your own plants is that you know they will thrive in your environment. If you have strong and healthy Jasmine plants in your garden, you know that this plant can do well in your local climate area.
There are two main methods of propagation for Jasmine plants: propagating from cuttings and propagating directly from seeds. Both methods will make you healthy new plantings you can later transplant into your garden. While both methods can work and are successful, propagating Jasmine from cuttings is a more common method.
When to Propagate Jasmine?
Before you choose your method of propagation, it is important to know when the best time is to propagate your Jasmine plants. Keep in mind that Jasmine is native to the tropical environment, so they do best when transplanted outdoors in warm temperatures. It means the best time to transplant your new Jasmine seedlings is when temperature reaches 70 degrees F during the day.
However, in order for seedlings to be ready at this point, you need to start them earlier than this, so they are ready to be planted in your garden when the weather is warm enough. How much earlier will depend on the method of propagation. Keep in mind that starting Jasmine from seeds takes more time than starting from cuttings.
Starting Jasmine from Seeds
If you wish to start Jasmine plants directly from seeds, you will need to begin about 3 months before the summer. To propagate Jasmine in this way, you need to soak the seeds for 24 hours before planting. It is best to fill six pack cells with potting soil and soak the soil completely. Make sure it is fully drained before you plant the seeds. Make sure to plant only one seed in each cell.
Once they are planted, cover six pack cells with plastic. This will help them retain moisture. Make sure to place them in direct sunlight. Wait for seedlings to sprout. You need to keep the soil moist during this time. Once seedlings grow to have two pairs of true leaves, it is time to move them to a larger container. A gallon-sized planter works best for this purpose. Seedlings need to be here for at least one month, and they need to be indoors. After this, you may proceed to plant your Jasmine seedlings in the garden.
Alternatively, you may keep your new Jasmine plants indoors for a year. Many people choose to grow their Jasmine as a houseplant for a year. This allows new plants to get strong and to grow proper roots before they are transplanted into the garden.
Starting Jasmine from Cuttings
Starting from cuttings is a more common way to propagate, and it gives quicker results. You should start by making cuttings from a healthy Jasmine plant. Make cuttings of the stem tips and cut directly below a lead. These cuttings should be about 6 inches long. When you get your cuttings, strip the leaves from their bottom parts. After this, dip the bottom of each cutting in rooting hormone powder.
Once this is done, place each cutting in a planter. The planter should be filled with damp sand. To plant make a hole in the sand and place a cutting into it. Once all cuttings are planted, put a plastic bag over the planting container. This will help holding moisture. You need to place the planting container in a warm room. The temperature should not be under 75 degrees F. Make sure that the planting container is away from direct sunlight.
The cuttings should develop roots within a month. After this, you can transplant your new Jasmine plants into the potting soil for a while. This should strengthen their root system before you finally transplant them into your garden.
Seedling Care Tips
Jasmine is a tropical plant and requires high humidity and moisture. You need to keep seedlings moist at all times. The best way to do this is to mist or water multiple times per day. If this is not possible, consider an automatic watering system. Another way to increase moisture is to place a plastic cover over the seedlings.
Moist doesn't mean wet. You should never let your Jasmine plants sit in water. The roots should never sit in water - this is dangerous and can cause a lot of harm to the plant. To prevent this, allow planter to drain after each watering. Never allow a planter to sit in a tray of water.
Photo credit: spentrails