Peace Lily is a common and popular houseplant that can be found in many homes. It is great for beginner gardeners because it doesn't require much care to thrive. This is also why it's such a good choice for those who are busy.
This is a lovely plant originally from Central America, Colombia and Venezuela. Peace Lily plants grow in tropical rain forests, so they require very specific climate. These are conditions that gardeners need to provide to Peace Lily if they wish to make it thrive in their home.
The Peace Lily is famous for its spear-shaped green leaves, so it is not unusual for people to grow it for its foliage alone. However, most people also grow Peace Lily for its beautiful flowers. This plant gives white spathes, which are not really flowers, but are often regarded as such.
Since these are why many people choose to have Peace Lily in their home, it can be frustrating if you have a situation of your Peace Lily not flowering. The good news is that this issue is very easy to fix and make your plant look its best in no time.
Peace Lily Not Flowering: Why Is the Reason?
If you have a Peace Lily not flowering, the first step is to identify the issue. In general, the most common reason for a Peace Lily not flowering is lack of light. Your plant needs enough sunshine in order to produce its spathes.
Another common problem might be improper temperature, watering or fertilizer. Also, it is not unheard of for a Peace Lily not to bloom if it is too old or root-bound. The only way to make your plant flower again is to provide it with adequate growing conditions. If you wish to make your plant bloom, make sure to provide it with tropical-like conditions that it has in the nature.
It may sound too complex, but it is easier than it may seem. Remember, you don't really need to make tropical conditions inside of your home. All you need to do is give your plant some key growing conditions that will make it happy. A happy plant is the one that can flower without problems.
Peace Lily Not Flowering: Improper Growing Conditions
If you have a Peace Lily not flowering, it is generally because of the improper growing conditions. Here is what you need to provide to your plant in order to make it thrive and produce blooms:
Light Conditions
Peace Lily needs plenty of sunshine to bloom. While it is strong enough and it can survive even without enough light, it will not flower under these conditions. Light that is too low or insufficient doesn't give your plant with enough energy to bloom.
If you have a Peace Lily not flowering, improper light conditions is always the first thing to look into. It is by far the most common problem, and it is also very easy to fix and to make your plant flower again in no time.
In order to make your Peace Lily bloom, make sure to provide it with bright, indirect light. It should grow close to a window. However, make sure not to put it in direct sunlight. In the nature, these plants bloom during the shorter days of winter, and as the days lengthen, they produce fewer flowers.
Another reason for a Peace Lily not flowering might be a lack of fertilizing. These plants need some well-balances fertilizer to be strong enough. A water-soluble fertilizer is the best way to go. It will give your Peace Lily with enough nutrients to thrive.
A good fertilizer is a 20-20-20, which will help your Peace Lily grow consistently and thrive. Make sure never to use fertilizer that has a lot of nitrogen. Too much nitrogen encourages green leafy growth, but it discourages the production of flowers.
You should fertilize your Peace Lily about 2 to 3 weeks during the warm months of spring and summer. In the cooler period of the year, reduce this to fertilizing once per 6 to 8 weeks. In addition to a fertilizer, you may also give your plant some coffee grinds from time to time. This will give your Peace Lily some boost and more nutrients to thrive.
When you fertilize your Peace Lily, make sure to water it well so the fertilizer can go through the entire root system consistently. Keep in mind that fertilizer can encourage your Peace Lily to bloom, it is also dangerous to over-fertilize. In fact, too much fertilizer can be more dangerous than too little. Keep this in mind when feeding your Peace Lily plants.
Watering Regime
Another culprit for a Peace Lily not flowering is improper watering regime. You should never leave your plant to sit in water, because this can lead to root rot. This can kill your plant, and even if it's not so damaging, it will weaken it. A weak and stressed plant cannot give flowers.
You should water your plant well enough until the water starts to appear through the drainage holes. After this, stop and wait until the soil almost dries out before you water again. You wish to leave the soil slightly damp but never soggy.
A Peace Lily is not a plant that is particularly sensitive to temperature changes, but improper temperature may prevent the plant from flowering. It will also produce more flowers if it's kept at temperatures that are ideal for it. In practice, it means keeping your plant at temperatures not lower than 60-65 degrees F (15.5-18 degrees Celsius).
During the spring, Peace Lily will thrive at temperatures between 70 and 75 degrees F (this is 21-24 degrees Celsius). Making sure that your plant is kept in these temperatures will encourage bloom production, so your Peace Lily will give flowers. Also, always make sure to protect your Peace Lily from drafty places.
Finally, keep in mind that your Peace Lily not flowering might be due to it being root bound. This is a consequence of a too small container. If you see roots growing thickly out of the bottom of the pot, it might be a time to repot your plant. Make sure to choose a bit larger container that will prevent the roots from being cramped. Repotting can encourage your Peace Lily to start blooming again.
Photo credit: photoholic1