Growing Fuchsias in Pots

Container Gardening
Fuchsia In Hanging Pot

Many people grow Fuchsia plants in their gardens. However, it is also possible to grow Fuchsias in pots. If you wish to do so, make sure to provide your Fuchsias with everything they need to thrive. This is very important because these plants' wellbeing depends on the necessary conditions that you need to provide.

Containers for Potted Fuchsias

The ideal location to grow Fuchsia plants are shaded patios and balconies. These places need to have some light but it is also important to make sure that your Fuchsia plants have some shade. Some people also choose to grow hanging varieties of these plants suspended from the rafters of lath houses.

One of the first things you need to consider are the containers for your potted Fuchsia plants. In order for your potted Fuchsia to thrive, you need to have a large enough pot. Think larger than 10 inch containers: anything smaller than a 10 inch pot is too small for this plant.

In case that these large pots are not an option for you, you may try 8 inch pots for smaller varieties of Fuchsia plants. Again, 10 inch and larger pots are preferred, but you may try an 8 inch one if you choose to grow smaller varieties.

Growing Fuchsias in Hanging Pots

If you choose to grow your Fuchsias in hanging pots, make sure to water them daily during the growing season. Another thing you should do is to feed your Fuchsia plants with liquid manure every 10 days or so. This is necessary because potted plants have limited soil capacity but tend to grow vigorously. In order to make them thrive and provide them with all the necessary nutrients, it is important to apply some manure.

Those who grow their Fuchsia plants in hanging pots need to pinch the shoots on their plants. Do this until the buds appear. Pinching is important because it will promote branching in your plants. Similarly, you should remove all faded flowers and developing berries in order to prolong the blooming time of your plant.

Also, it is best to use glazed clay pots instead of porous ones, if possible. Some people who live in warm areas have a great success with moss-lined wire baskets instead of traditional pots. However, they don't always work perfectly so clay pots are still the main type of containers to use for your hanging Fuchsias.

Another quick note: if you wish to grow Fuchsias in hanging pots, make sure to do it for maximum two years before renewing.

Ideal Potting Mix

When potting a Fuchsia plant in a container, make sure that the pot you use is well-drained. Always use only soil that is porous and of good enough quality. One of the best options for Fuchsia potting mix consists of 1/3 sand, 1/3 leaf mold and 1/3 loam. It is also useful to add some cow manure to the mix.

Keep in mind that you don't have to make your special Fuchsia potting mix. Many of the commercially available potting mixes you can buy will be suitable for Fuchsia plants, as long a as they are of decent quality and porous enough. Many of these bagged potting mixes also contain some fertilizer, which can be an added bonus for your plants.

Potted Fuchsias Care Tips

Here are some important tips on how to care for your potted Fuchsias. Some of these refer to new plants in growing while others are true for all Fuchsia plants in pots:

Once you plant your Fuchsia, you need to monitor it regularly. Water it and apply liquid fertilizer every 10 days or so. Keep in mind that many newly potted Fuchsias, particularly those grown in greenhouses, will develop vigorous growth from their potting early in Spring to the mid-May. In May, you will end up with large, leafy plants that are 8 to 10 inches in height.

This is also the time when your plant will start to show buds. You should water with liquid plant food every 10 days when your Fuchsias are the most active.

Many people make mistakes with Fuchsia plants during the stage of leafy growth. This is a sensitive time so you need to be careful with the care you provide to your plants. It is crucial that the plants are well-protected from frost. At the same time, do not keep your Fuchsias at too high temperatures during the night. Keep the temperatures low and give your plants maximum ventilation during the day. Keep in mind that Fuchsia plants hate high temperatures as much as they hate frost.

Your Fuchsia should never become potbound, dry or starved. As soon as you see the roots filling up the container, make sure to repot your plant. You should water and feed your Fuchsias regularly to promote strength and growth in your plant.

Fuchsia plants should always be kept away from drying winds. This may not seem important for potted plants indoors but make sure that there is no draft in the house.

It is best to start Fuchsias in the spring. You can start when the chance of frost has passed. If you wish to keep your plants indoors, you can start them as early as January or February.

Photo credit: Charity Davenport

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