Jewel Orchid Care

Jewel Orchids Care

Jewel Orchid is a beautiful plant that is rapidly gaining in popularity. There are more and more varieties to choose from, and many people decide to grow them in their homes. They are famous for their dark, gorgeous leaves that sparkle in the sunshine, and particularly for their gorgeous flowers.

The good news is that there are many different varieties for Jewel Orchid you can choose from. Probably the most common is Ludisia, but some other varieties, such as Macodes petola, can also be found on the market.

If you wish to grow Jewel Orchids in your home, it is important to know what kind of care to provide, and what kind of requirements these plants have.

Jewel Orchid Light Requirements

It is important to know that Jewel Orchids are generally very adaptable plants, and you can keep them in many different locations. They can do well in a bright yet indirect light, but they can also do well in a more shaded area. Remember, Jewel Orchids grow along the rainforest floors in their natural habitat of South Asia, and this can be a shaded area.

When it comes to light, Ludisia variety seems to be more tolerant of shady conditions. Macodes variety of Jewel Orchid, on the other hand, is more light-loving, so you might notice it stretching to reach the brightest spot. If you have a Macodes Jewel Orchid, it may be a good idea to move it to a brighter spot in your home.

However, it is important to make sure that your Jewel Orchid is not subjected to light that is too bright or strong. These plants prefer indirect light. Strong light, particularly direct light, can damage their leaves and cause numerous problems.

You will know that your Jewel Orchid receives too much light if you see its leaves getting yellow and scorched in appearance. You need to remember that the intensity of the light changes throughout the year and act accordingly. For example, you may find that it is necessary to move your Jewel Orchid a bit away from the window during the hottest times of the year. Similarly, you may need to bring it closer to the window during the winter.

It is also possible to grow Jewel Orchids under artificial lights. This is a good choice if your home doesn't get enough light, particularly during the winter. It may be a good idea to provide a few hours of artificial light per day to your Jewel Orchid during the winter months.

Watering Requirements

When it comes to watering, keep in mind that jewel Orchids enjoy moist conditions. This is a necessary requirement to make them thrive. However, this doesn't mean that you should make your plant waterlogged. It is important to let the top third of the soil dry out before you water you Jewel Orchid again. Remember: too much water can lead to problems with root rot and other issues. Also, when watering, make sure not to get water on the leaves because it can cause mildew.

When watering your Jewel Orchid, it is important to be mindful of water temperature. It is best to always use lukewarm water that is of room temperature. Cold water, particularly in winter, can shock your plant and cause numerous problems and stress. It is also important not to use cold water when the plant is in bloom. If you wish to use tap water for Jewel Orchids, make sure to let it sit for 24h before watering your plants.

When it comes to watering, never let the soil dry out completely between waterings. This can lead to serious issues such as wrinkled leaves or drooping flowers. On the other hand, you should never overwater your plant. In addition to health problems such as root rot, it can also prevent your Jewel Orchid from blooming.

Humidity Requirements

Different varieties of Jewel Orchids have somewhat different requirements when it comes to humidity. Ludisia variety can do well in the average household humidity and there is generally nothing specific you need to do to make it happy. On the other hand. Macodes variety strongly prefers a more humid environment. You need to increase humidity around this plant in order to make it thrive and develop lush foliage.

In case there is an increased humidity in your home, you will need to water your Jewel Orchid less than usual. When it comes to humidity, make sure to always provide your Jewel Orchids with enough air circulation around the leaves. Too much moisture can lead to the development of mildew, which you want to avoid.

Since Jewel Orchids are plants that like humidity, they are great candidates for terrariums. You may also grow them under a cloche.

Jewel Orchid Fertilization

Jewel Orchids generally grow slowly, so you need to adjust fertilizing accordingly. It is useful to fertilize them once per month during the spring and summer. You should use an ordinary houseplant fertilizer. If you live in colder areas, you plants will probably stop growing in late fall and during winter, so you should stop fertilization during that time. However, if you live in a warmer climate and your plant grows throughout the whole year, you may continue fertilizing even in fall and winter, but apply less fertilizer than during spring and summers.

When Jewel Orchids start to bloom, it is useful to use a fertilizer rich in potassium. Tomato feed is a good choice for this purpose. It can help prolong the duration of the blooming. Avoid fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen because it will encourage leaves at the expense of flowers.

When fertilizing, it is generally recommended to apply fertilizing at half the dilution.

Photo credit: cskk

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